Friday, 29 November 2019


Porno Graffitti really did perform Apollo! And maybe continue subbing, but I probably won't sub anything else this year as my exam starts sometime late December and ends in January: The secret artists will be revealed on the day of the festival. Accidental capture, but I thought it was funny so I uploaded it anyway haha. And I discovered the melody was a bit different XD fns kayousai 2013

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Ichihara Hayato though ;-; his voice Write the following word: After Flower's collab, the camera went and shot the LDH table ahahaha.

FNS Kayousai announces second group of participating artists | ARAMA! JAPAN

We emailed you password reset instructions. SMAP ended the show! Violence or harmful behavior Spam or scam Hate speech Sexually explicit content Other Please include additional Details. Leo Ieiri and Saya-nee.

Overall, I really enjoyed it! He even bowed when they were done I need to 0213. Create a 6Theory account!

Final line up for '2013 FNS Kayousai' unveiled

I kind of expected a link to just appear on my feed, but by Friday I saw nothing so I was like, I guess that's not going to happen and then I was too lazy to hunt it down for myself. Need I say more? D I torrented it from nyaa, hehehe X3 I'm good, though unfortunately university's stressful all over again since the 3-week finals is in 2 weeks!!! I enjoyed reading this!

fns kayousai 2013

Uuuuu missing SDK ;-. I'm looking forward to the December episode, though! Some of the Momoiro girls dressed up as Alfee members.

fns kayousai 2013

With this, there will be performances from a total of 74 artists. The first time I watched I was completely fine for some reason, but the next time I watched that anime I cried my eyes out, the sheer angst of the endingggggg gosh.

SEASONS (FNS Kayousai 2012.12.05)

Something you'll notice from this post is that I like a lot of the opening acts, and there are less and kajousai performances from later on in the show. Home of my weekly rants, fangirl-business, and occasional fansubs and translations!

It's always so strange to see him sing, I'm used to listening to his voice, but not looking at his face pffft.

But I can't help but hate his kayoksai choice hahaha. Though I was half-hoping Busaiku would do a collab with someone and see how it goes pffft.

I had the time to watch just 3 episodes tough, but it's just too intriguing! I'd fix it but seriously, there's like a lot of pictures. I hope university is a bit less stressful!

Final line up for ' FNS Kayousai' unveiled |

It's the three from Kisumai Nishino Kana performed Torisetsu, was great. I did it too! D I just have like three days off for christmas then it's exams again till January: Hopefully this will be a more routine type of post and I can recap all those other shows I mentioned, too! Notice how hyped Nagase is and keep a look out for his other hyperactive moments haha.

If you haven't listened to this song, I suggest you do! I hope you find the time! Have I finished what?

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